Front-End Developer

UX/UI Designer

Technical Writer

Hi! ✋ My name is Mario and I build stellar software, descriptive documentation, and unencumbered user experiences.

developer graphic of screens with code on them graphic with text 'Click Me!' and arrow pointing to developer graphic.

My Philosophy

As a professional, I value knowledge, creativity, and adaptability. I see the world through a realistic and logical lens. Because of this, I try to lead with what I do know and stay humble about what I do not know.

With an A.S. in Digital Media and Multimedia, I have experience in both web design and development which helps me understand the bigger picture for a project. I take into account the aesthetic quality of a website, as well as the underlying implementation of the codebase. The human aspect of a product is also very important to me and a strong consideration at all levels of a project—this is why I'm a strong advocate for Ethical AI and Inclusive Workplaces.

When working with clients and my team, I seek to foster a positive and collaborative environment where a project's goals can be understood and met without unnecessary friction. Simply put, I value creativity, empathy, and innovation in any workplace I am involved with.

The Person Behind The Screen

I'm sure you won't be surprised to find out that I am indeed a normal person outside of my career. In truth, my boundless curiosity often drives me to pursue a wide range of passions.

Typically, you will find me involved with something creative like writing or music composition. I also enjoy cooking, reading, studying new subjects, and even modding games and software to get them just right.

My background in tech and digital media began back in High School where I took a few, newly offered electives. In time, I was introduced to topics such as graphic design and web development. I found myself naturally drawn to the logical nature of coding and creativity of graphic design. After High School, I would pursue a degree in Digital Media, complete an internship or two, and achieve a deeper understanding of software. Now, many years later, I look to the future and seek out new heights for both my career and personal legacy.


graphic of a woman hanging on to a large paper airplane flying through the sky


graphic of a woman looking through a large telescope